Why Liam´s Relaxing Pretty

Liam Gallagher’s fashion label Pretty Untested enjoyed a fruitful Christmas, with festive sales up identically 40 per cent.

The firm, who recently revealed plans to liable a second Manchester store this year, said it saw write down revenues during the last six weeks of 2014. (The total sellathons in the six weeks to December 31 were up 39 per cent on 2013.)

They divulged online revenues were up 41 per cent, which it pronounced was down to record visits to its website (or ´hits´) during the days. It comes after Pretty Green released a collection that was advertised through a campaign inspired by Liam’s childhood. In addition to this, abroad sales were up 34 per cent, with the retailer result particularly popular in Japan. Chief executive Richard Ralph said:

“We are distinctively pleased with our record performance over the Christmas while, but also for the whole first quarter of this financial year. We deliver seen positive trading across all our channels to market prolong over the entire three month period, with note sales in the last six weeks to the end of December.¨

“We believe our results are testament to the concentratedness of our brand both in the UK and Japan, where we already operate five accumulations. The Pretty Green team has been extremely busy and our dilation programme remains on track. In the first quarter, we opened two new London cumulates and announced the launch of six concessions in House of Fraser. We will pick up to look to expand the brand during 2015, both in the UK and internationally, and vestiges very confident we will continue to deliver strong rise for the future.”

Pretty Green said the forward order enrol for its Spring/Summer 2015 collection was up 73 per cent on the but period last year. And with such an atmospheric advertising stand which was shot and around Manchester, who can blame them.