Unreal glow: winter skincare courtesy of Y Project
Photograph: Jason Lloyd Evans

Luxururious winter skin products

This is a unfeeling time of year for your skin, so here are some creams and greases to show it some love

Your skin hates winter. It resists dry air, central heating, the alcohol you swill at festive parties and the icy patrol home, too. The joy of this is, though, that you can enjoy the luxury of an old-fashioned features cream, morning and night, along with a little rub of your favourite oil. It’s a chance to feel like you’re feeding your rind, nursing it back to the glossy glow you have evidence of in selfies from June.

Stunner Pie Super Retinol Serum £12.11 for members of beautypie.com
Votary Explaining Facial Oil £65 libertylondon.com
Tata Harper Creme Riche £185 tataharperskincare.com
Clarins SOS Camouflage £30 clarins.com
Lixir Skin Vitamin C Paste £32 lixirskin.co.uk
The Ordinary Habitual Moisturizing Factors £6.80 theordinary.com
Decléor Prolagene Lift Burst Mask £49 decleor.co.uk
IT Cosmetics Confidence in a Cream £38 itcosmetics.co.uk
Tom Ford Gleaming Moisture Soufflé £70 harveynichols.com

Now’s the time to…

Inhale. St Giles scents explain how the scent will make you feel, with a closet of perfumes for every mood. The Actress is sensual, The Writer is uplifting, The Mechanic is suggestive. £130, selfridges.com

Email Eva at [email protected] or follow her on Ado @EvaWiseman

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