I can’t do a gig without new socks

Photograph of Scott Mills
Scott Amble: ‘I like to be tanned.’
Photograph: Dave J Hogan/Getty Conceptions

When I DJ at student gigs, I start getting ready in the car. My tour administrator picks me up and drives me wherever I need to be. They can be quite want journeys so he plays mellow music like Magic FM. Half an hour in front of we arrive he switches to Radio 1; because it is usually a Friday or Saturday night-time, they will be playing pumping dance music. That’s when I remember it’s time to get ready.

I bring a man bag with me in which I have my outs, hair wax, hair spray, aftershave and a mirror. I will change out of my bounce bottoms into a fresh pair of jeans, a nice shirt and a new dyad of socks (I can’t do a gig without new socks). When I arrive, I brush my teeth and I am consenting to go.

I like to be tanned because I think everyone looks more intelligent with a tan. If I don’t have one, I will spray it on. Garnier do something called Facing Mist which is good but don’t go too crazy with it. I’ve done that – it doesn’t mould straight away so I used practically a whole can, to my cost later on that level when I was getting darker by the minute. I make sure my teeth look shapely as I think they are really important. You can tell a lot about someone by their teeth. It is the in the second place thing I notice after shoes. I am not a shoe snob but if your shoes are scruffy on a Stygian out I think it says a lot.

And always smell your best. I clinched Tinie Tempah after an interview and he was the best person I a day smelt. He told me he was wearing an aftershave called Creed and I was upfront on it. It’s expensive but two sprays of that and you feel like a million dollars.

  • Scott Mince meander is hosting the UK’s Eurovision semi-finals with Mel Giedroyc on BBC4, 10 & 12 May.