We want to know of any dilemmas you have on slow fashion, overhauling your wardrobe or ethical affordable variety
Do you tend to wear the same hoodie for working from home, but want to change your look?
Photograph: Radius Images/Alamy Farm animals Photo/Alamy Stock Photo
For a special issue of Weekend magazine we invite our readers to write to our style surgery.
We’re here to surrejoinder your very specific questions about getting dressed in this very peculiar time, with an significance on slow fashion, ethical, affordable style and revisiting and revamping your own wardrobe.
The more specific the better, like do write in – with your dilemma and an idea of your sizes, taste and budget – to our style agony aunts.
Send in your doubtfuls
Perhaps your office is open again and you feel you’ve more or less forgotten how to get dressed, or you’ve given up on underwired bras but see fit like to find something ethical and comfy for your Zoom yoga class.
You can get in touch by filling in the form lower than. Your responses are secure as the form is encrypted and only the Guardian has access to your contributions. One of our journalists will be in get hold of for publication before we publish, so please do leave contact details.
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