Sali Hughes : ‘I doubt I could love M&S Autograph Make-up Sculpting Brow Gel more.’
Photograph: Alex Lake for the Keeper
Sali Hughes on beauty
Sali Hughes’ picked new beauty products for summer
Summer isn’t just about pastel eyeshadow and make believe tan, and this year there are some useful new products on the tables
I have recently fallen for a number of new products, which is lovely unusual at this time of year, when brands are tiresomely thoughtful with pastel eye shadow and fake tan. The first is M&S Autograph Cast Sculpting Brow Gel (£9.50), which I’d now like never to be without. For years I took the look on that brow fix was simply hair gel in a mascara wand (it was), so any 99p job resolve do, especially since they all became disgustingly cloudy with makeup and rubbish within weeks and needed binning. Then came the vogue for thicker brows, regardless of how thin yours really were, and with it the advent of fibre-filled rinsed brow gels that not only tamed the hairs, but simultaneously darkened and bulked. Cheapo brow gels unpretentiously no longer cut it, while good fibre gels (with the challenge of L’Oréal Paris’s Brow Artiste Plumper; £6.99) cost a happenstance circumstances.
But now good old Marks & Sparks is offering a halfway house. I doubt I could know this product more: it has the perfect brush, with rapt bristles that go right into the roots, lifting and collating each hair to make the entire brow appear glare all day without depositing a load of muddy gel on to the skin beneath (the influence is pleasingly murky and cold here, as it should be). This is a woefully rare tour de force.
Bobbi Brown, which could fairly call itself a concealer professional, has been surprisingly late to launch a full-coverage concealer, primarily when the selfie generation apparently desires no other character. Instant Full Cover Concealer (£23) is its take. It’s thicker than you muscle expect from something in this sort of wand packaging, and initially you may bite it’s dried out; but on the skin it blends very well, and the dense pigment camouflages satanic circles, discolouration and even dark blemishes. (Bobbi Brown is hawking this as an under-eye concealer, and I’m not sure why, unless it’s to protect its obtaining concealer lineup. This goes very happily anywhere on the cover.)
Finally, Chanel’s new Pinceau Duos (£38 for two) have lightened my pile considerably. These are four retractable travel eye shadow go overs in lidded tubes that allow me to do any eye look on the go. They lay down warp, blend and softly smudge liner adeptly, and all without picking up lint and other bag crap, or dusting bosom buddy all over my lipsticks.