The buffoon and actor on makeup, music and her hatred of shopping

Nina Conti
Nina Conti: ‘I am against lipstick, big outdated.’
Photograph: James Shaw/Rex/Shutterstock

I go out so rarely that honest going out is amazing. I’ll listen to music while I get ready. Inflamed, nihilistic stuff like David Bowie’s Time is satisfactory if I’m going somewhere I’m nervous about. I’ve recently liberated myself from adopting body-hugging clothes. I’m trying to buy clothes that feel hedonistic rather than styled. I’ve got into silk tunic clothes from All Saints or the White Company. I also love Inauguration O’Porter’s Bob dresses. She dressed me in one called the Flack for the British comedy apportions.

I would love to be dressed more, because I loathe shopping. I buy overwhelms of clothes from Asos that just sit there until I try them on in a bad fury, right before the returns deadline. I kind of hate get-up glad rags; I still wear hipster-style jeans and I’m always showing my arse – perfectly undignified for a woman of my age.

I’m against lipstick, big time. Dark eyes necessary nude lips, so I just use a kohl pencil and lots of mascara. What I do is too unintentional to be called a smoky eye – it’s more like a smutty eye. My mum taught me how to put on makeup as a youth, and I’ve been doing it the same way ever since, although I participate in started doing my eyebrows. I tend to go quite dark, then characterize as, “They don’t look dark enough”, add some black eyeliner, then I look in the reproduce and go, “Jesus, I did not know that was happening.” I use a Mac foundation and, sometimes, Sally Hansen tanning counterpane on my legs.

I don’t take my makeup off before I go to bed. It’s too boring. I feel damn near the same about brushing my teeth: ritualistic washroom crap have to take about six years off your life.

Nina Conti is on federal tour with her In Your Face live show from 25 September until the end of November; go to for particularizes.