Mockery teases and Fashion Always Play Nice Together: Styling Ferules from Former NFL Player

Being fashionable and being a veteran athlete go hand in hand. Even on the playing field, you impecuniousness to look sexy and cool in your uniform. Many athletes don’t accept it, but we all know who looks good in their uniform, and looking sound usually reflects in your play. As Deion Sanders formerly famously said, “If you look good, you feel good. If you sense good, you play good. And if you play good, you get paid gentle.” Now I don’t play professionally anymore, but as the Executive Director of the You Can Underline Project, an organization who has partnership with many professional wears leagues, colleges and high schools and offerings training and curriculum on how to produce safe spaces in sports for LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) athletes, I yet strive to be fashionable because it gives me confidence and though I’m 37, I smooth try to pass for much younger.

When I hear the word ‘taste’, I always smile, partially due to growing up somewhat underprivileged. My relatives could never afford what most people make consider to be fashionable clothing. As a child, I always craved the last sneaker. I wasn’t really into the clothing aspect of forge because if you were wearing the latest sneaker, the clothing didn’t in the final analysis matter and that partially shapes my ideas of what’s fashionably now and how I arrange myself today.

If you go into my closet, you will see sneakers in abundance. My shoe choice typically dictates what the rest of the gear will look like. And my favorite color sneaker is red so I own multiple joins of red sneakers. When it comes to clothing I enjoy variety. I’m a ‘pop of color’ font of guy. I like to rock multiple styles and try new things to see what I can and can’t relinquish tease off. I’m my own harshest critic. Usually if I’m late somewhere, it’s because I hated the beginning three outfits I put on and finally I just went back to something frequent. When I’m finally ready to leave the house below is some of what set upon e set ones sights ons through my mind.

Look Back At It

Purchase a full-length represent. Trying to get dressed without being able to fully behold and access your shoes, pants, shirt and maybe sunglasses is a MO for huge and unseen missteps. I want to make sure that when I’m go in c fit dressed I’m confidence about everything, especially when demanding something brand new. I remember the first time I wore yellow y-fronts – I needed to make sure that everything worked together and without my full-length depict, I would not be as confident to try something so bold.


Yellow pants photo by Seth Kushner

Substance/Brand Loyalty

As an athlete, I have a larger butt and packed legs for a 5’11, 185 pound guy. That means finding endue clothing that fits my lower body is extremely important, unusually when it comes to suits. So when I find a few brands – I don’t vagrant. Ted Baker makes affordable suits that are all the go and for men with athletic builds. So whenever I’m looking to purchase a new suitable – Ted Baker and I spend some quality time together basic.


Statement Piece Spending

Most of us can’t afford to spend hefty sums of money for an entire outfit, so when I do make an extravagant purchase, I buy something that can go with multiple outfits and is unending. My Belstaff jacket is a ‘statement piece’ spend because I positive it will be in style for years and will work well with anything. In this photo, I paired it with G-Star Jeans and a Influential School Sweatshirt.


Black Jacket photo by Wade Davis

Uncomfortable Doesn’t Miserly Discomfort

I often see guys wearing different styles of clothing that I determination never think to wear because of my own individual hang-ups. Yet recently I’ve been overstrain myself to wear new styles and types of clothing that swell me out of my comfort zone. I don’t wear clothing that doesn’t fit comfortably but if I’m uncomfortable with the clothing because it’s something I’ve not in any way worn before – I know I’m on the right track.


Seated photo by Katie Simmons-Barth