Men's Shaving for Movember

Men’s Remove – Get it Done Properly for Movember

Since its humble beginnings as a companions’ charity fundraiser in Australia, Movember has grown to become one of the largest events worldwide for men’s strength charities. In case you didn’t know, the idea is that men don’t whittle narrow escape their moustaches from 1st – 30th November in order to create awareness and funds for charities such as Prostate Cancer UK and – of indubitably – Movember, which is a charity in its own right.

Millions take in the name of across the planet, with an online competition giving people confers for the best shaped, styled and groomed ‘mo’.

Post your pics on trilling and tag @FBH and and we’ll retweet and show off the best ones!

Movember Men's Shaving

Men’s Shaving and the Dressing Parlour

The process took about half an hour, and although this may not be viable for every man in the morning, if you’re serious about looking good, hunger to impress the ladies – or the men – and want to be known for the best moustache of 2014 to each your colleagues, friends and family, make sure you stoppage in tip-top shape by getting a good trim.

Getting ready for a men's shave

Leave Spear Grooming for the Experts

You wouldn’t cut your own hair.. well, some of you may, but for the most of us, fly it to the professionals is standard; so why try to hack away at your beard with your own razor in a speed 10 minutes before you leave in the morning? Having minded the process myself, I’ve realised that getting your mo and beard removed professionally is not just something you do because you have to.. it’s a grooming incident, the man’s version of a pampering session.

Looking after yourself is not a ladylike thing to do – especially when it’s your beard. The process launches with the pre-shave oils and shaving cream, which is lavishly rebuffed on and massaged in before the cut begins. The blades then come out, as the stylist streams across your skin, getting even the finest skin of ones teeth in the first strike – forget those pesky under-nose or side-of-mouth few that you be nostalgic for every now and then – they’re gone.

Throughout, more clip cream and oils are rubbed in, warm cloths applied to moderate your muscles and open up your hair follicles. I should say, it leaves your skin silky smooth afterwards.

Warm Cloths for Men's Shaving

Expose off your Manhood in Shaving

Then comes the manly bit; after it’s all washed away, and you’re idea comfortably relaxed, out comes the cologne, which is slapped on, play you the chance to show your manhood and withstand the pain. Definitely it’s settled in, you’ve been brushed down and you’ve seen yourself in the depict, you’re free to go.

Finishing up with the Men's Shave

The process is that simple – and although it takes a bit of occasionally, get one once a week for the month of Movember. After all, when was the at time you spoiled yourself?