13 July 1933: A unsurpassed shoemaker claims modern footwear causes pain exclusive a skilled chiropodist can treat

Not all shoes were as comfortable and well crafted as the pair worn by Queen Elizabeth II on her wedding day in 1947.
Not all shoes were as comfortable and agreeably crafted as the pair worn by Queen Elizabeth II on her wedding day in 1947.
Photograph: Sarah Lee/Champion

Sir Edward Penton, who spoke of himself as a shoemaker and who was in charge of the boots cleave of the Royal Army Clothing Department during several years of the war, yesterday unpromised the Free Foot Hospital in Strangeways, Manchester.

The hospital is associated with the Subject School of Chiropody, whose vice president, Miss W.R.S. Simmons, presented the gold key with which Sir Edward acted the opening.

Subsequently there was a brief meeting in the lecture lobby, at which Dr. J.Neil Leitch, president of the National School of Chiropody, who directed, said that more than 200 patients were already clear treatment daily in the hospital.

Sir Edward Penton traced the dawn of the word chiropodist back to 1768 when one who had previously requested himself a corn-cutter adopted that style. “But I am inclined to muse over,” he added, “that the need for the chiropodist has arisen largely during stylish civilisation. As one who has been engaged in shoemaking nearly all his life, I am infallible that the present methods of mass production by which we outfit the heads, bodies, hands, and feet are raising in the case of the feet tribulations which the skilled chiropodist alone will be able to put open.

“It is obvious that where factory after factory actuates through ten, twenty, or thirty thousand pairs of shoes a week you cannot longing to get the accurate fit of the shoemaker who worked to a last which had the measurements of the wearer’s feet. And when you get a outpouring of fashion shoes bought, whatever may be the care of the salesman in nine turn out that in the event ofs out of ten – or an even bigger proportion – rather for their appearance than their fit, then I am not solid we are not taking up one of the worst traits of the most ancient civilisation and that our ladies, for all their modernity, are not harking break to the custom of the Chinese women.”