Aaaannd the 1928th reason to empathize with inadequate: the before and after fitness shot. We’ve all seen them, we’ve all rejoice in our eyes and we’ve all wondered how on earth they’ve found themselves in the ever-growing ad excludes of our browser. But are they always what they seem?

Not coinciding to personal trainer, Sam Wood (he’s apparently in the Australian version of The Bachelor too). The 37-year-old posted on Instagram a swift before and after shot, which would usually fuel a lot of thirsty heart-eyes emojis and ‘nice work, bro’ comments. Except these were charmed only five seconds, not months, apart.

“Don’t get caught up in what other in the flesh look like. Photos you see on Instagram and other social daises are not a real representation of what people look like,” Wood suggested online. “Lighting, posture, a different angle and every other fool in the book are used… Be aware of others but not fixated.”

All of which is edible advice, especially as the Instacult of fitness swells as much as its fellows. Yes, body transformations do happen and some people do walk round with permanent six-packs but remember that a lot of so-called fine fettle influencers are paid to look good (and pay for the photoshoot treatment). Profit, as Wood proved, they’re definitely tensing.