What does the bit ‘FAT’ really mean?
So the summer is here, are you going on holiday? Wish some new swimwear to go with some fancy sunglasses? Summer is the prematurely we expose our bodies. The pictures are everywhere, billboards, posters, scale models with six-packs, toned, lean, perfectly formed main parts posing in every shop, at every magazine counter, in every circumstances, not one extra ounce of flesh. Looking good is a billion dollar diligence! Photographers airbrushing each inch of each photo so that it looks polish, in every single way. Every sinew of the macho masculine fraternity honed.
Celebrities pose as role models, fashion bagnios capitalizing on their fame to sell their goods. This billion-dollar business has a lot to answer for when it comes to setting standards for the average guy! There is no fat here!
These personifications of total perfection are completely unrealistic, and far from reality. It’s a kidney of learnt behaviour. When people see these pictures in lustrous magazines and on billboards they are identifying with what the simile means and suggests. The images are suggesting success, money and superiority, status and respect, power and control, and that this retards from projecting the perfect self-image. Again, this denomination is completely impossible to attain, and far from the truth.
In their life-work of this perfection grows the seeds of imperfection. The seeds of infirmity being unworthiness, a sense of failure, not being good satisfactorily, not looking good enough, not thin enough, too big, overweight, too FAT!
What Does Fat Absolutely Mean?
But what does the word Fat really mean; it extremely means depression, dis-satisfaction, disappointment, anger, frustration, self hate, lack of self-esteem, not being good enough, a feeling of being judged, weighed, not fitting in, not looking the same as the guys in the pictures.
In seeking consummation people will often go to any lengths, including lipo-suction, paste surgery, and even complete reconstructive surgery. Removal of ribs, entrancing fatty tissues from one area of the body, only to put in place of it somewhere else, seemingly more attractive. From the sanctified to the ridiculous some people even becoming addicted to tractable surgery, suffering from body dysmorphia undertaking start with after procedure in pursuit of perfection.
Not to mention those countless hours at the gym, time after time using steroids or other body building products to try to manufacture an unnatural physique. Inevitably this can lead into a declining spiral of depression. Did you know when it comes to key problem areas, sundry than half of men (54%) dislike their stomachs, while one in seven (14%) need they had bigger pecs!
Depression encompasses varied negative feelings and negative self-talk plays over and done with in the mind, bringing us further down with already low self-love.
According to a report recently published in the Huffington Post in a register of 2,500 British men almost half, 48% said the desperately call for to loose weight and 41% felt they needed to ‘tone-up’. Encompassed in the survey as contributing factors were being the butt of their wed’s jokes, getting undressed in front of other men and feeling the beggary to live up to super fit celebrities and models as well as being contrasted to an ex-partner, or even a sibling, was also found to make men mistrust their looks.
Feelings may even stem from adolescence, children can be cruel, bullying, name calling or even a uncluttered comment could be the start of a lifelong self-loathing journey.
So what is the explication to this huge dilemma. It’s not easy, it will take stretch and commitment. Learning to turn the mindset from external pulchritude to internal beauty, love and acceptance. Until we can reach that site, where we made need to face our fears which may want help, such as counseling, coaching or psychotherapy you will on no occasion have real peace.
The reality is, some people are gianter, some people are shorter, bigger or smaller. Focus on press a healthy body that is nurtured, fed, rested and respected desire bring you greater satisfaction and help to grow your narcissism.
It is time to accept yourself for who you are, as you are, to achieve a truly happy, in the pink and balanced life.