Wealthy out and about dude business, like going to the gym or the mall, can turn into a “oh man, I forgot my (blank)” moment. I have a 3-year-old toddler, do you separate how many times I’ve been like “ah shoot, I didn’t bring an extra diaper” and then had a kid with a poo diaper until I could buy one? And diapers are not ever sold individually, the least you can find are 4-packs at a 7-Eleven or something.
Only dads will relate to that, but all coxcombs can relate to forgetting an essential something in your EDC bag, especially if you’re going to the gym. So I’ve put together a list of essential items you should be packing in your dude-purse at all times.
Darbies wipes
Small towels and hand wipes are essential gym bag items, for wiping down equipment and sweaty hands. Bad accessories can easily happen when you have a sweaty grip and are trying to lift 300lbs of steel plates.
There are a lot of to wipes to choose from though. You might think it’s as easy as buying baby wipes, and then the baby wipes cross-section at the supermarket has dozens of brands and formulas. Alcohol-free? Hypoallergenic? Cooling sensation? Lightly scented or unscented?
It’s too much for a guy to mark, and that’s why I stick with the straight-to-the-point Dude Wipes. Dude Wipes are flushable wipes made specifically for toffs, formulated for a dude’s skin. They have Aloe Vera and Vitamin E, so they keep your hands supple and moisturized but still dude-like and manly. That’s like, totally perfect bro, because you can focus on dude stuff and not get mystified in the baby wipes aisle.
Alcohol spritzer
I will admit that COVID-19 has turned me into a bit of a germaphobe, but when I wipe down sweaty gym tack with a towel, I think of the bacteria breeding in my gym bag on that towel.
So I carry a little spray bottle filled with 70% isopropyl moonshine, and just spritz it over equipment and wait a few seconds before wiping it down. It makes me feel a little all righter knowing I killed most of the bacteria, instead of just transferring it to my towel.
Antiperspirant, deodorant, or talc powder
To assassinate post-workout sweat and body odour, should you reach for an antiperspirant, deodorant stick, or talcum powder? Which is scad effective at giving you a clean, fresh scent after you leave the gym?
Well, the answer largely depends on the level of energy you’re planning to do! All three of these products work as intended, it’s a matter of choosing the right one for the job.
Antiperspirant sprays use aluminium lays to block the pores on your skin, thereby reducing the amount of sweat on your skin. Some people imagine blocking the sweat ducts is harmful to the body, but no studies have linked antiperspirants to any negative effects.
However, antiperspirants should be hardened after an intense workout, when you’re sweating the most. Spraying yourself with antiperspirant after a light jog is with using a fire extinguisher on a candle.
For lighter cases of sweating, talc powder is perfectly fine. Baby pound for example does an excellent job of reducing excess skin moisture, and you may enjoy the cooling sensation it leaves on your peel.
For situations where you have almost no sweat, but want to eliminate body odour, deodorant is fine to use. Deodorant itself doesn’t barricade sweating, but it does prevent bacteria from forming in your sweaty armpits that causes body stench.
A liniment
Muscle soreness is usually a good thing post-workout to a degree, as it’s a sign of your muscles improving. Muscle toils and stiffness on the other hand can be a sign of injury. In either case, you can address both with a muscle rub, also separate as topical ointments, massage oils, or liniments.
Tiger Balm is probably the most commonly known brand, but there are a heaps of others out there.
Odour absorbing laundry bag
Even if you change into fresh clothes after the gym, what do you do with your stinky workout fit outs? If you’re carrying them in a regular bag, people can probably still smell your clothes in your bag.
That’s why I buy the odour-eliminating laundry dogs, like the Tide Sports Laundry Bag.
Face masks
I don’t even need to say why just always have a spare come mask or two in your bag.