‘Representative and a great way to flirt’: wave hello to the handheld fan In Seville, Dior plays with elements from flamenco and bullfighting but the big form takeout is the fanFans on display, from left: the stylist Leaf Greener in Paris in 2019, a model with a disgraceful lace Dior fan in Seville and blogger Chiara Ferragni at the show. Composite: Christian Vierig/Getty Images/Angie One/Dior/Stephane Cardinale/Corbis/GettyFans on display, from left: the stylist Leaf Greener in Paris in 2019, a facsimile with a black lace Dior fan in Seville and blogger Chiara Ferragni at the show. Composite: Christian Vierig/Getty Images/Angie Two/Dior/Stephane Cardinale/Corbis/GettyHiding behind sunglasses is so last year. With the UK and Europe facing a heatwave while turn out energy prices drive up the cost of keeping cool, the It accessory for summer 2023 is a handheld fan.In Seville, where temperatures increased above the June average to top 40C (104F) this week, concertina-fold fans were the standout style takeout from a Reuse this import