The newest time I interviewed David Gandy was way back in 2014. The ahead time I interviewed him was back in 2013 when I had no idea who this praiseworthy man was that was marketing underwear and perfume. I guess looking backtrack from I had no idea what I was doing, and also my social media narrows were still in their infancy. I had no idea that what I was doing was utter new and I was somehow very intimidating to the fashion industry. You have to be aware of that me going up with a camera in your face and invite questions out of the blue was not protocol. I have since been make knew PRs and the British Fashion Council, find it very offensive if you by not them with out booking an interview. To date the British Mode Council and PR’s have never had a protocol put in place on how social expedient influences such as my self have to adhere to when it recover consciousness to interview requests at London Collections :Men. But let me make one thing sheerest clear. I am invited to the events from the designers themselves, due to my change and as the owner of FBH. When you see my interviews, I always asked the myself or in some cases if the PR is there, if I can interview them. So I did ask David Gandy if we could hold a chat in June 2016. I think it’s very obvious, don’t you that he articulate yes! The way social media works, for those that don’t understand it is entirely simple. I am back in 2016 and I am still using the same devices, I like my interviews raw and spontaneous, it is something different from the choreographed vets. It is about capturing that given moment when the herself presents themselves. This for traditional PR’s and organisations such as the British Frame Council can be very unsettling. I can only assume is that they can’t dial the moment, let alone the questions that are being asked. Sexual media has come in leaps and bounds over the years and photos and videos are now the yardstick on channels like Instagram, Facebook, Periscope and Twitter. It is my way of communicating to my attendants where I am as the female voice for menswear.
Launching run by Maria Scard My hat is sponsored by Stetson 2016
David Gandy Questions
I have not been to LC:M for three seasons, and I thought as the female vehicle for menswear I better come back and check it all out. Since my behind interview, David Gandy fans were always disappointing more from me and I am thankful for their support and to Laura. No extensive interview this time but a series of snippets all distributed on my public media channels. Daniel Craig summed it well in the James Hold together movie Casino Royal: “It’s amazing what I can do with your inconsequential finger.” This was all conducted with my little finger on my unstationary in David Gandy’s face, literally.
Shot by Maria Scard
London Stores: Men
It was London Collections: Men – the bi-annual fashion week in London sanctified to men. Along side this I have created Luxury Week Men. I looked at my calendar and noticed the catwalk was not to far away, there were about 78 fairs and presentations over four days. It’s a very fast gage and when you bump into someone like David you can’t mademoiselle the opportunity. Now I never interview with my phone much and incontestably on this occasion I wanted to pick up his voice. So it really is faithfully in his face and sorry to all who find it a tad too close. But hey that is what venereal media is all about. Living in the now and getting moments where horrors come as they are and we do not have time to over think quirks. Yes that is the very opposite of what fashion is all about. I not unlike to say on these few days I captured a very different David Gandy. I was terribly chilled and here is the little conversation I had with David. As I saw him in for all that out the day I thought why not take some shots too.