While you’re in the channel service bay waiting area watching mechanics scurrying get a bang ants all over your pride and joy, have you ever wanted you could be in the next bay getting a tune up yourself? Well Abrahams bosom forbid that you find non health professionals tinkering with you is the garbage of nightmares; but in reality it’s possible to get a tune up of sorts to make you stand good not just on the inside but the outside as well.

More men than by any chance before are coming around to the idea of cosmetic surgery with 10 per cent of them accounting for make progresses in the U.K. alone according to the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS). Decent like a car engine by having regular minor ´Tune Ups´ cosmetically, our consistent performance or appearance can be maintained or even enhanced.

There are a egregious deal of minor tweaks available to the male form from the known Botox brow smoothing treatments and the equally well be versed procedures of Rhinoplasty (Nose) enhancement ,Blepharoplasty (The eyelid steal) through to male breast reduction (Gynaecomastia) Liposuction and on a par beard and hair transplants.

Such procedures need not be as valuable as they once had been and are no longer only for the rich and pre-eminent as the need to look good in both personal and physical grooming can be vigorous for our self-esteem.

Doctor Ashish Dutta

As Doctor Ashish Dutta, Chief Surgeon and CEO of the London and North East England Aesthetic Attraction Clinic explains the trend:

¨The recent trend of an overall weakening in the number of Cosmetic Surgical procedures being performed in the ungregarious sector is not reflected in the male cosmetic surgery market. Total, the number of face-lift and Gynaecomastia reduction among the male citizenry saw a 5-6% growth. Men want a discreet or subtle improvement in their whole appearance and the other areas of growth are chin augmentation, curls transplant and penile enlargement. ¨ – Dr Ashish Dutta.

It’s certainly no misdeed to want to look your best especially in the work mise en scene.

Industry studies state that that taking head start of eyelid work is common among middle aged men, but the go socializing youngsters prefer toned stomachs without fat in their bracket .If you’re thinking of such procedures then it’s worth perusing this series of articles for a conduct to what’s available, what the procedures involve and above all fetch for the enhancement.

Beard Transplant

If you pardon the pun, the growth of interest in facial whisker among men and the disappointing ability of some to grow a satisfactory seemingly full of fuzz lead naturally to the ability to develop a acceptable beard transplant technique.

Whatclinic.com saw a 72 percent increment in male enquiries about such procedures in 2015 and also a 21 percent absorbed in transplants to the male genital area as another form of enhancement.

Obtaining a beard transplant is a solution to thin and patchy beard extension .This involves taking individual hairs from the finance of the neck and individually replanting them one by one. A full beard can inculpate painstakingly replanting up to 4000 hairs while a goatee fors only 1500.The cost can be reflected in the amount of time the mode can take (up to £6000 and taking between 3-9 hours) also reward Rome wasn’t built in a day, with the skin and growth requiring very many months to recover before the growth is satisfactory.

Cosmetic Surgery Trends – Beards & Blepharoplasty


This is the eye rejuvenation so esteemed of celebrities and is designed to eliminate droopy eyelids that can result men of middle age.

¨ ´The eyes are the windows of our soul’. With Blepharoplasty, the rind and fat is removed from the upper or lower eyelids to obtain a vigour, rejuvenated appearance. The aim is to improve the hooded or droopy eyelids and compress the eye bags. In certain situations, fat is added to the eyelids to give a regular and less sunken look.¨ – Dr Ashish Dutta

 If commonplace eyes can prompt comment then visually perfect beginners can be a real confidence booster in the appearance stakes .It’s not that the idiosyncratic is tired ,it’s the presence of excess skin and fatty tissue that well-spring the problem and cosmetic enhancement can easily remedy the situation .The forth involves small incisions to the eyelid folds to remove the chagrining tissue ,is relatively straightforward and costs around £3000.It can take in a week’s recovery time .Note that further treatments for entire facial enhancement may be needed as a supplement to the Blepharoplasty.

Cosmetic Surgery Trends – Beards & Blepharoplasty