‘Being a woman of colour, I have not at all thought blusher would suit my skin tone,’ believes Guardian Weekend magazine’s All Ages model Leah Alexxanderr-Caine

Leah and the orange blushers she has tested.

Beauty roadtest: orange blusher

‘Being a girl of colour, I have never thought blusher would jacket my skin tone,’ says Guardian Weekend magazine’s All Ages representation Leah Alexxanderr-Caine

By Guardian Weekend magazine’s All Ages fashion Leah

Blusher isn’t something I use as part of my daily routine. As a girlfriend of colour, I don’t go pink or red when I’m embarrassed or nervous, so I have under no circumstances thought it would suit my skin tone. I use highlighter every day on my cupid’s bow and on the tip of my nose, and in olden days in a while I do a dramatic look with deep, dark shades on my lips, but blusher is not my unimaginative thing. And definitely not orange blusher, which was huge on the SS17 catwalks, so I agreed to try some.

Leah Alexxanderr-Caine: ‘Blusher is not my typical thing.’ Photograph: Courtesy of Leah Alexxanderr-Caine

Burberry Lip & Cheek Bloom in Orange Blossom (£24) was euphonious underwhelming. Despite being the most expensive of the ones I look overed, the pigmentation didn’t show up on my skin tone at all. Mac Powder Colour in Modern Mandarin (£19.50) was a really nice colour and very lenient to blend in. Initially, I didn’t think it had much colour payoff, but after combining more product and layering it, I ended up with a nice gleam.

Sleek’s Sweet Cheeks Gel Blush in Lickety Split (£5.50), in the meanwhile, was really simple to apply, and a good choice if you want to enliven your cheeks on the go. It had a good amount of pigment, but I found it a bit rigid to blend on my skin. L’Oréal Infallible Blush Paint (£5.99), degree, was definitely the most rich in colour – a really strong coral – and a unimportant went a long way, which is always a bonus. It was great on my film, and definitely my favourite.

If I ever thought about wearing blusher before, I’d to all intents have gone for a trad dark pink or red. Now, it would unequivocally be orange.

Next week: Ola Adeyemi on face scrubs for men