Have in the offing you ever looked in the mirror and noticed a bald patch you longed wasn’t there? Or, despaired at the fact that you have diverse wrinkles and lines than your older friends? Whilst we’re not ones to embolden moaning, or worse, cutting yourself up over your suggestion, we do commend a proactive approach. Men may only account for around 10% of the cosmetic derive froms that are carried out in the UK. But today, more men than ever are afford to the idea of having a little ‘work’ done. According to the British League of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS), we’re moving away from desperate procedures and more towards minor ‘tweaks’ by attempting to complement what we already have, rather than trying to erect again from first principles, which can more over again than not be a bad idea for a natural look.

There is a multitude of ´scheme changing´ procedures which are now available to men, from traditional Botox help of to cutting-edge beard transplants (for the holey Hipsters). However, the scad common operatives remain Rhinoplasty (the nose job), Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery or ´rejuvenation´), Gynaecomastia (manly breast reduction or ´Man Boobs´), Liposuction, and Otoplasty (ear punishment). As well as this, you can add into the mixture, an increasing number of people who are opting for hair transplants thanks to the precedence’s set by the stars of make up, screen and pitch.

A -Z Of Male Cosmetic Surgery Trends – Part  One

Doctor Ashish Dutta, the chief Surgeon and CEO of London and the North East of England´s eminent Aesthetic Beauty Centre clinic´s took some moment out to comments on this trend, as well as the array of treatments that are currently present:

¨The recent trend of an overall decline in the number of Cosmetic Surgical emerge froms being performed in the private sector is not reflected in the male cosmetic surgery merchandise. Overall, the number of face-lift and Gynaecomastia reduction among the manful population saw a 5-6% growth. Men want a discreet or subtle improvement in their total appearance and the other areas of growth are chin augmentation, mane transplant and penile enlargement.¨ – Dr Ashish Dutta.

A -Z Of Male Cosmetic Surgery Trends – Part  One

It has not under any condition been truer that men want to look good for their age, particularly as there seems to be more competition in the workplace. According to diligence statistics, eyelid surgery is the most common procedure within waist aged men, while younger men prefer to opt for more toned abdomens with leftovers fat removed. If you are considering going under the knife, then you ascendancy find this first instalment of articles a useful resource for grab the low-down on cosmetic surgery; from what the procedures embody, to how much they’ll set you back and everything in between.

Beard Move

Given the popularity of facial hair (and some men’s disappointment at what, if anything rises from their chins when they try to grow some), it was ineluctable that beard transplants would grow in popularity previously the craze really kicked in. According to industry care portal, WhatClinic.com, surgeons saw a 72 % ascent in enquiries about beard transplants in 2015. (There was also a 21 % spreading in enquiries about pubic hair transplants too, believe it or not.)

A beard transfer is a long-term solution to patchiness in your beard (or maybe you bring into the world very little facial fuzz and just want a bushier, thicker beard.) Here is where the Follicular Segment Extraction presents itself in all its glory. Individual hairs are extricated from the hair at the back of the scalp (body hair can also be acquainted with) and replanted, one by one, where they’re needed most. A full beard requires encompassing 4,000 hairs to be transplanted while a goatee needs throughout 1,500. It’s expensive (expect to pay between £3,000-£6,000) and dilly-dally consuming (taking between three and nine hours) but the sequels, which will need several months to bed in, can look prodigious and scarring is minimal.

This procedure is worth considering if you’re hung up on your patchy (or non existent) beard, but all things considered not best advised if you’re only interested in jumping on the current beard bandwagon.

A -Z Of Male Cosmetic Surgery Trends – Part  One


This order of surgery is especially popular with guys of middle age. Blepharoplasty is an operating to get rid of droopy eyelids or any ‘excess ocular luggage’ you might be support.

¨ ´The eyes are the windows of our soul’. With Blepharoplasty, the skin and fat is exterminated from the upper or lower eyelids to obtain a fresher, revitalized appearance. The aim is to improve the hooded or droopy eyelids and reduce the eye lookouts. In certain situations, fat is added to the eyelids to give a natural and less underground look.¨ – Dr Ashish Dutta

A -Z Of Male Cosmetic Surgery Trends – Part  One

There are few things that age a man rather like his eyes. If they really are the windows to the soul, then a ´disrespectful pair of curtains´ can knock years off you. People often expansion, with regard to their own appearance, that they look bothered by; when in fact it’s the excess skin and obvious fat pads that put out them tired looking. To counteract this, small slashes are made in the natural folds of the eyelids to remove excess scrape and fatty tissue that cause hooded eyes or eye carpet-bags. The procedure can also be used to reduce the appearance of crow’s feet in the more simple cases.

The procedure is relatively straightforward and takes around one to three hours, fetches upwards of £3,000, and you’ll need around a week’s recovery repeatedly. However, if the appearance of looking tired comes from the all-embracing impression of the face, not just the eye area (dark circles, settled cheeks, loss of the jawline), a Blepharoplasty alone won’t fix this. Rather than, you should try seeking out a treatment which is aimed at lifting and tightening the presumption as a whole, including the eyes, such as a non-invasive face stop.