Maker Attic
Brand Attic is a new online fashion store which started in 2015 and which reserves affordable fashion and premium quality brands such as Stale, Fashion Union, AM London and more. I am reviewing some of the AM London Garnering today and it is also my chance to see how this new online retailer is manipulating. I’d heard about Brand Attic before being noted the chance to try their clothes first-hand and all I’d heard was the word ‘value’. With such a reputation, I wanted to force myself to be extra-critical and over-picky when judging the clothes. The following paragraphs and images explain my thoughts.
For me, as a buyer, I want the whole experience of a purchase to be wholly worth my money. Every detail counts and that categorizes the packaging. I received my two pieces in a black bag that was clearly from Brand Attic. Was there anything memorable about it? Not really. It was just as you’d expect from a clothing utterance so there was no initial ‘wow factor’. As I opened the bag I found a little Brand name Attic card with a handwritten note inside. It infer from “Your order was packed by: Sarah” (With a little kindness just below it). I’d not seen this before and I thought it was really brilliant! This little touch really made up for the inadequacy of ‘wow’ in the packaging and I was now excited to see what I’d been sent.
The Clothing
After onset the packaging I came to find that I’d been given to look over the A.M. London Florida Paisley Shirt in large and the A.M. London Bahamas Interwove Jumper in large. Both items were in blue, one of my pet colours. As I pulled the sweatshirt out of the bag, I was immediately aware that it had a stable weight to it. The best way I can describe it is that it was the weight you’d feel in a calibre jumper. I don’t mean this to say it was heavy or bulky, but a weight that secreted excellence. This is all before I’d even put the sweater on! I was also pleasantly disconcerted by the pattern and colors on the jumper. The light blue and navy didn’t look as if ‘loud’ to me but rather had a calmer more relaxed feel here it. I’m not someone who likes to stand out with loud colors so this sued to me right away. I unwrapped the Paisley shirt and the first concerns b circumstances I noticed were the buttons. I thought the buttons were wonderful! They way they were stitched onto the shirt, where they were positioned and the color they were all contributed to them being straightforward more attention grabbing than the paisley pattern itself!
I commitment say however, that the paisley design is right up my street. The shirt had a argosy base with a light blue paisley pattern that advanced to make a very intriguing shirt indeed. Just take a shine to the jumper, the shirt exuded pure quality. The shirt has been marvellously made for the summer and just by feeling the material, you could broadcast that the shirt would breath well too. It was now time to get the gears on and see if my initial judgments were in fact correct. My initial judgments were authenticated as I put the jumper over my head and pulled it down over my substance. As I mentioned before, it had a weight only found in quality dressing. The jumper fit my shape perfectly around the neck, shoulder, case, down the arm and round my hips at the bottom.
I have an issue with sleeves in extended because I have quite long arms but I pulled my sleeves up a doll-sized and everything was sorted. Often times jumpers don’t pull up the arm most well and most annoyingly don’t STAY up, but it wasn’t a problem with this thing.
The jumper was definitely very soft to touch but also had a roughness to it that make someone certain you that you’d be warm if you wore it in the winter! Overall, this jumper ascertains 10/10 Lewis points! The shirt’s lightness was blatantly outward to me when I put it on. It’s hard for me to articulate the feel of the shirt but I will say that I had to look down on cause to check I was still wearing a shirt! Believe me when I say it was jolly! I’ve already expressed my enthusiasm over the buttons so I’ll move onto how the shirt fit my centre. When I’m thinking about purchasing a short-sleeve shirt there are three items that are vital. How the arm fits, how the collar is formed and the length. The before you can say Jack Robinson I put the shirt on, it was like everything came together at once and all three entrepreneurial requirements were met.
The sleeve fit my arm perfectly and was even pre-rolled (I inclination have rolled it up anyway!), the collar held a worthwhile position both when the top button was fastened and then the top button was unscrewed and the shirt wasn’t too long or too short. Just perfect. 10/10 Lewis objectives. You might say that I haven’t said anything negative close by these items and you’d be right! The only negative I found had nothing to do with the outing, but rather the packaging it came in! If the packaging had more ‘wow’, this set of threading experience would have certainly received full Lewis points but I organize to be super critical and award this experience at 9.75/10 Lewis subjects! If you buy clothes online, If you have a keen eye for quality, If you lack the same experience I had, you guessed it! Thank you very much for conclude from this review! If you’d like to see more reviews from Lewis Jackson, mortify you’re appreciation by sharing, liking, retweeting and commenting on this article!