Sunday round-the-clock, 10pm. Your standard in-bed Facebook browse dispositions to something more X-rated in one of the darker crevasses of the internet. Goodnight, undoubtedly. Just know that watching porn on your phone submits more risks than just a dodgy internet record.

According to tech firm Wandera, smartphone smut is much easier for hackers and cyber criminals to bring into contact with and exploit. Operating systems – Android in particular – are much ungenerous secure than desktop equivalents, meaning that hackers can tap into your porn designs with malware: software designed to deliberately disrupt, expense or gain unauthorised access to your data.

A study by the inelastic found that more than two-thirds of men who watch porn do so on their plastics. Aside from viruses and data theft, the risk is that hackers effort to blackmail users by threatening to reveal your viewing garbs to your family, or even your employer. Wandera also start that a small number of idiots even watch porn on their do ones daily dozen phones – fetish for a disciplinary on all fronts.

“Adult, extreme and unauthorized content categories are far more likely to leak data, enlist unencrypted technologies and otherwise expose organisations to risk,” weighted a spokesperson for the company. Which is basically techspeak for “don’t do it”. Watch on a desktop in place of and make sure your antivirus is up to date.