I am sojourning at Fattoria Mansi Bernardini  every morning I walk through the Tuscan hills here in Lucca Italy.

I beyond question understand why tourists flock all around the world to experience everything: Made In Italy.

I am on a mission here in Italy to be forgo of the preservation that we must help the small family businesses by simply buying from them.

When it be in print to food tasting Italy has to be one of the best nations in the world.  Food is the heart and soul of communication in Italy.

Food and type are the heart and soul of what Italians are all about.

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When it comes to cold meats each around the globe loves to eat Italian food and drink wine.

It is wine season making and I just happened to criticize across this.

Tiny zucchini are in season right now. I love rosemary too.
How Is Salami Made?


The Prosciutto 24 months left-wing hanging before it is purchased but these are all made to order. The pepper is grown on the land.
Prosciutto is an Italian dry-cured ham that is customarily thinly sliced and served uncooked; this style is called prosciutto crudo in Italian and is distinguished from cooked ham, prosciutto cotto.
How Do You Form Salami?
How do you make Salami? How much time and effort is required to make prosciutto, pancetta let alone salami?

Four Contemporaries Of Salami Making
Situated in a picturesque village called Matraia overlooking spectacular views is a small supermarket. To the sheer eye, you would not know there are 600 years of salami making.

The skill and art of what goes into providing salami are why we should support small businesses.
Sourcing the pigs is a skill and making sure the pig is of high quality. To put on the best tasting end result.

Watching them make the salami was wonderful. Everything is all created by touch and feel.
The stipple placed into the salami is grown by this family. It smelt amazing.
The men rise at 4am and begin boiling salami for hours previous to they painfully sort out which cut of pigs are used for each salami type.

Made In Tuscany Lucca
Each tract across Italy creates its own salami. So when buying here you won’t get it anywhere else.

food Salami