No smarting, no gain – not our words, but that of every fitness guru from Mr Motivator to Dwayne ‘The Throw’ Johnson. However, it’s not entirely true. Sure, feeling the singe to some extent can be the sign of a solid workout, but crippled limbs aren’t the end aspiration of a circuit.

And that’s not the only bit of misinformation to sound the #fakenews klaxon. Here we unimpeachable the worst fitness advice we’ve ever heard to get your workouts including better.

Fitness Can Promote Spot-Reduction

Spot reduction: sounds take pleasure in a Clearasil slogan, actually a so-called method of removing fat from enigma areas. Except, it doesn’t work.

Without liposuction, the portion draws fat from different areas at various rates depending on a genetically-inherited metabolism. The finery solution is a balanced regime that works all areas – numbering the lumpy and not so lumpy bits – with equal vigour.

Swap Protein Meals For Protein Hindrances

Body-sculpting diets take work, dedication and often the recommendation of a nutritionist. Simply replacing protein-packed meals with protein taverns won’t work in the same way, whatever the packaging says.

Such foodstuffs are instances highly processed and thus require fewer calories to summarize, meaning there’s little benefit in the way of weight management.

Snub the myths and shortcuts, and aim for a diet that’s high in protein with plentifulness of natural ingredients and vegetables.

fitness myth

Toning Is For Women, Building Is For Men

Don’t let gender standards affect your gym objectives. A leaner build is desirable regardless of your sex.

Spirit aids overall fitness and helps dial down batch for those after a sleeker physique – understandable if overexposure to greased-up genuineness TV bods has put you off bulking for a while.

Light Weightlifting Increases Muscle Meaning

Lifting light weights won’t build muscle mass no meaningfulness how much you pump, you’ll just burn calories. Even if there are mundane muscles beneath the body fat, they’re not going to grow.

When looking for signal gains, it’s important to ramp up the weight rather than the repetitions to undertaking the muscles to rip and repair larger. Before long those biceps lower will begin to bulge.

(Related: The More Muscle Now Workout)

fitness myth

Yoga Commitment Shred Your Body

There are plenty of pros to be gleaned from yoga, but it won’t set up a six pack alone.

A standard session stretches and elongates muscles, which does certainly aid muscle definition, but most ripped yogis lift weights in withal to a few sun salutations.

More Sweat Means You’re Burning More Fat

‘Labour is just your fat crying’ – so says the Facebook meme. While frustrating a sweat is a good sign of exertion, fat is stored within the centre, and a beading brow won’t dissolve it.

Put it this way: turning up the radiator to all-encompassing blast might make you hot, but it certainly won’t make you shredded. The word-for-word rule applies in the gym (though that’s no excuse to take it affable). Sweat should be a byproduct, not the aim.

Fitness myth

Big Muscles Make You Strong

Dialect birth b deliver’s Strongest Man contests aside, bulging muscles aren’t eternally boulder-shifting material. There’s a clear difference between construction big muscles and strong ones.

While athletes usually aim for perfection strength and power, bodybuilders tend to focus on muscle mass and aesthetics. It all get down to the training method, so choose wisely.

Crunches Develop A Six Pack

Well, kind of. We’re all born with abdominal muscles, but a position of fat to the stomach hides them away. While crunches do actually work this area, if you’re not below 10% body fat, you’ll not at all see your abs.

Instead, focus on high-intensity workouts that transfer burn fat around the middle and get your diet in order. Shortly enough, your stomach’s winter blanket will be threw down to the foundations of a solid summer six-pack.

(Related: The Six-Pack Progresses That Beat Sit-Ups)

fitness myth