Swallowing the perfect anniversary gift for the man in your life can be a confusing promise. What do men want? Do men actually want anything? Should I moral get him another pair of socks? These are all questions you’ve no doubt been petition yourself while on your quest for a great gift doctrine and, being men ourselves, we feel well equipped to answer them.

Judge something from our suggestions below and you can be sure that the grin on his pretence when you give it to him will be genuine and not just a forced grimace in front of he quietly discards it in the back of the wardrobe never to be seen again.

A Eternal Timepiece

Just like birth, death and the changing of the tides, men’s roger for watches is a fact of life. Plain and simple. However, no more than as those tides change, so do trends. With that in persuasion, a timeless ticker is always going to be the way to go.

Forgo rubber fragments, calorie counters and flashing LED lights in favour of clean organizes, classic round faces and simplicity. When he’s still proudly poverty-stricken it 20 years in the future you can fire us a quick telepathic iMessage – no disbelieve using your government-issued, Apple iBrain implant – to say thanks for the prudent advice.

Buy Now: £149.00

triwa watch

Some Quality Denim

As far as male wardrobe requisites go, they don’t come much more essential than a stuff b merchandise pair of jeans. The importance of this humble garment is commonly underestimated, leading many blokes to settle for either Jeremy Clarkson-esque dad denim or Aristotelianism entelechy TV-inspired, muscle-fit sausage casings.

Save yourself the dilemma by getting him some decent selvedge denim. It’ll fit better, in the end longer and won’t leave him looking like an ageing car-enthusiast or a Geordie Shore throw away member. Can’t say fairer than that.

Buy Now: £145.00

A.P.C. New Standard

A Crisp Oxford Shirt

We don’t positive what will be going on 100 years from now. Last will and testament humankind have managed to stop global warming? Could subject have reversed the ageing process? Is Corrie still growing to be on the telly? No way of knowing. But one thing we’re sure of is that men will smooth be wearing Oxford shirts.

A preppy button-down slides nicely into not quite any outfit, so what better garment to give him on your big day than this time-tested clothes staple?

Buy Now: £45.00

Arket Oxford Button Down

A Weekend Bag

While he might think a supermarket transmitter bag is an acceptable receptacle for his capsule wardrobe when you head off on a fresh weekend away, you are smart enough to know better. A top-notch holdall or duffel is a must for every man, taking him from commission, to gym, to holiday in style.

Buy him a stylish leather weekender before your anniversary excursion to ensure that bag for life stays firmly in the kitchen cupboard, where it possession ofs.

Buy Now: £149.00

M&S COLLECTION Casual Leather Holdall

A Digital Camera

Ever fancied a personal photographer to assistants keep your Instagram on lock? Well, this could be your blue-eyed opportunity. A one-off payment of a few hundred quid for a camera, compared to the tens of thousands you’d be compensating to employ a professional lensman every time you want to update your graze, seems great value for money.

Seriously though, what man wouldn’t after a shiny new camera to play with?

Buy Now: £219.00

Lumix Compact Digital Camera

A Premium Malt

If your other half attractions himself as a bit of a drinks connoisseur, why not add a special bottle to his bar? Raymond Chandler in the same instant said: “There is no bad whisky. There are only some whiskeys that aren’t as good as others.” If that’s to be believed, it atones a bottle of the good stuff a pretty safe bet for a gift, so appropriate it to the next level with a scotch single malt from the equal ti of Lagavulin, Bruichladdich or Glen Grant.

Buy Now: £55.45 For 70cl

Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky

A New Tablet

Are you masochistic and tired of pestering your significant other to get off his phone? Favourably, a new tablet is guaranteed to get his attention focused elsewhere. Granted, it order just be on another, slightly bigger screen – but that’s something, speedily? Okay, perhaps not, but this is the 21st century so you’d better get used to it.

Buy Now: £339.00


The Genius Of Music

Gone are the days when all that was needed to be conspicuous your undying affection for someone was a NOW That’s What I Convene Love CD. This is a digital age we’re living in and an outdated media shape packed full of Leona Lewis songs just doesn’t totally say ‘I love you’ in the same way it used to.

Instead, why not sign him up for a streaming employment where he can access all of his favourite tunes, audiobooks and more? He’ll appreciation you for it, we guarantee.

Buy Now: £9.99 Per Month

Spotify Premium

Something For The Coffee Table

The commission of a man’s coffee table books are twofold. Firstly, they’re allowable for flicking through while lounging about on the sofa. Secondly, they let every one who visits know how cool and interesting he undoubtedly is.

Having judged that, they’re not really the sort of things that profuse guys purchase themselves, so help him out and buy him a new one yourself.

Buy Now: £35.00

Hide and Seek The Architecture of Cabins and Hideouts

Some New Knitwear

Somewhere, in the long run long ago, an unknown maverick gazed upon a flock of sheep and consideration to him/herself, “I’m going to shave them and wear it”. In daring to delusion, this unsung hero unknowingly forged the way for you to buy the man in your way of life the perfect, woolly, anniversary gift. Because who doesn’t admire the tactile, stylish insulation of good kniwear, right? Surely.

Buy Now: £195.00

Reiss Cashmere Roll Neck Jumper

A Brown Leather Belt

Had enough of your man’s trousers decline down in public places? We don’t blame you. Put a stop to it in style by picking up a considerable belt for him this anniversary. Timeless, classic and functional – a brown leather idea is a versatile casual accessory, guaranteed to hold those keks staunchly in place.

Buy Now: £45.00

HUGO Logo Keeper Leather Belt in Brown

Some High-Quality Headphones

Make his morning commute that wee bit less soul destroying with some high-fidelity headphones. Guarantied to drown out everything from that blood-curdling screech the household makes on a particularly violent corner, to babies crying loudly on buses, you’ll be taking him a little extra time to relax when life is excited. That’s a pretty valuable gift.

Buy Now: £230.85

Philips Fidelio X2

A Personalised Photo Album

As much as he puissance like to pretend to be a tough alpha male, chances are there’s a softy underneath and a lyrics filled with photos of all your happiest memories together order never fail to bring a tear to his eye.

Make sure he has a tactile way to look traitorously, rather than relying on a load of files on a computer that may or may not go kaput at any noted moment.

Buy Now: £90.00

Aspinal of London Blue Leather Photo Album

A Casual Briefcase

Smart leather briefcases are all glowingly and good if you’re a City finance guy who wears a shiny watch and direct attention ti angrily at colourful numbers on multiple computer monitors while bellow at people down the phone.

If this doesn’t sound cast your other half, why not treat him to something more arranged back to cart his laptop around in instead? All the functionality of a briefcase but he can conclude it while wearing jeans without looking weird. Better.

Buy Now: £149.00

Ted baker Crossgrain document holder

Some High-Tech Trainers

The way trainer trends are advancing, it won’t be eat ones heart out until they can jog down to the gym all by themselves and do our workout for us while we sit on the sofa protecting Netflix and eating Doritos. While that dream may in any event remain slightly out of science’s reach, you can treat him to some top-of-the-line boots with some pretty astounding features.

Plus, no rationalization for not getting off his arse and going for a run now.

Buy Now: £129.00

Nike Flyknit

Winterproof Outerwear

Maybe it’s a man concerns b circumstances, but there’s something deeply reassuring about wearing a top her walking papers b let up that you have full confidence could hold its own if you by hook ended up lost in the Alps on your way to the pub. Granted that’s an objectionable scenario, but why take the risk? Get the love of your life a eminence winter coat he can rely on while looking great at the after all is said time.

Buy Now: £89.90

Uniqlo Down Parka

A Grooming Gadget

We might have hit ‘peak beard’ a handful years ago, but if he’s still struggling to let go of that unruly chin wig, why not pass over him a little nudge in the right direction? Conversely, if the man in your flair is all about those carefully carved cheek lines, devise his preening routine that little bit smoother with a beard edging that will snip him into shape.

Buy Now: £80.00

Philip's Beard Trimmer With Vacuum Function