Sex, psychedelics, excitement, money, success, power why are some men and women now be after that ‘special ingredient ‘that will bring them contentment cheer and peace. So why do some men become addicted to sex and why does it appear so on leaning? Pornography and sex seems to be easily available cheaply accessible, the ‘apt fix’ era is well and truly NOW! It’s a million dollar question but I believe is in tack with every other addiction from gambling to benumbs. What seems to be the result of this desperate searching for something? Who recognizes what the drivers are? Possibly loneliness, boredom, the need to be in need of or loved or the attention  it gives you and the list goes on.


The Bi Product Of This Behavior And It Aint Tolerably!

What the world is concerned about is the bi product of this behavior and it aint beautiful! Our health clearly suffers as a result of this type of behavior and selections from depression, drug and alcohol dependency/addiction, non-fulfilment and a lack of self love, self worth and self compliments. We seem to be a planet of humans that are wired for pleasure and for some, put into practicing sex can be another form of  fantasy that can not only bring furore but a deep need for escapism. The world can be a tough place that time after time is full of injustice. Research suggests more and more individual are less and less content with their lives and are try out new ways to relieve them selves of lives daily monotonies and routine. Is sex the answer?

The constant chase is to achieve the utopia! But is that extremely realistic, the truth is no one has the perfect  job or life. What we seem to do is measure against our inside to others outsides, we see the masks people put on and don’t realize that much underneath there are many challenges/issues people should prefer to to deal with on a daily basis that are hard. It whim appear holding those values and being responsibly obligated adults is just too much like hard work .

The correctness is it is not easy sometimes and that’s the reality, but if these ‘unwritten laws’ are adhered too  wonderful recompenses really will emerge. Feeling fulfilled, understood, innumerable in control and at peace are all part of these rewards which also tabulate self love self respect and a greater sense of poise.

Honestly I Experience Them On A Daily Basis

And how do I know? Ably I can honestly say I experience them on a daily basis. The real way flip to ensure many addictions, sex included are to go  back to the basics. Self-discipline, pluck, patience, honesty, self care and true authenticity do not give every indication to be of such value today as they once where. Truly working towards them as goals leave people with what they find creditable to be boring and dull lives!

Yet guilt shame and blame have all the hallmarks to be the words of the 20th century. Life’s unfair seems to be shouted from all the final blows of the earth  from wars, broken marriages/relationships  neglected, ill-treated and suffering children are all often the results of too busy a life and a self essential attitude. So what can we do to transform  the world around and make it a happier safer delight to be in with more unity and peace and love.

Want to distinguish the real answers? It is so simple (bet you did not want to hear that) As Michael Jackson desire say and sadly was unable to do it himself. Be the change you want to see in the world. That means, YES it starts with you. So what can you actually do and if you change yourself.  How the hell can that change the world?

The Transmogrification Success

I personally can vouch for the transformational success! I may only be one minute cog in the world but I have not only made a difference to how I feel round my self but the knock on effect has been profound. If you have decipher this far you are really curious. So now ( I hope) you are getting braced to lay ones hands on out what to do?  First question is what do you want? Do you really dearth to see the world as one? A safer happier place?  Yes, Then do the work! Regretful to offend anyone but that’s the bottom line. Actions indicate as it weres louder tan words.

As Socrates Once Said  Know Thyself

YOU demand to clean your act up!

It’s a process that doesn’t happen down night, eating healthily, taking regular breaks from implement, resting, taking regular exercise, being honest being genuine being of service. Treating others and our selves with out of compassion and respect.

  • Being loyal, working out difficulties and not thriving towards addictive behaviors substances to ‘relieve ourselves’ .
  • Pronouncement a sense of spiritualty for guidance .
  • Learn about who you are and ONLY then can the planet be a better place.
  • I may be no expert of the world’s political dilemmas but I am an top-notch on ME.
  • I know who I am and it took time patience, perseverance and a higher power to get it.

As Socrates post-haste said “know thyself”

NOW is the time to change NOT tomorrow next year when the kids renounce home when you get the new job when you retire when you have enough scratch its NOW!

And finally there are 12 step programs for addiction that can in reality transform behavior so remember to always ask for help.