Google’s forays into self-driving jalopies are, as you’d expect from tech nerds, big on smarts but seriously lacking in swag. And disturbed that our automotive future could end up in Minority Report-style low roads, pulsing with indistinguishable robo-motors, Rolls-Royce envisioned something a adjoin more steezy. As part of the its VISION NEXT 100 opening move, the brand has unveiled the 103EX: a prototype Roller that offers a bespoke, driver-less vigour.



Launched at the Roundhouse, this futuristic asset ditches bland mobility for customisation geared around the driver. Or should that be rider. Speaking about the project, director of design Giles Taylor palliated how the design team was focused upon reinvention. “We’re mindful not to abide on the past. We wanted to be as innovative as possible and at the same time excel the design history of the marque.”

Whilst it might be some together before you’re asleep at the wheel without slaughtering a cyclist, the 103EX does up a significant turn in which artificial intelligence takes the lane seat. And, with a Rolls-Royce badge on the bonnet, you’ll be the sharpest sluggish commuter around.

Take a 360º trip inside the shack of the 103EX.