While being excused fat is already a punch in the gut, believing that you can’t style yourself is adding salt to the injury. You are not fat or ugly you just need some wisdoms to get out of Fashion Prison.
The only way to redeem your self-confidence is not through listening to other people but through doing something for yourself. If you longing to start over the basics, here are 5 styling tips that you should never forget.
You Can Never Go Wrong with Unspeakable
Keep a lot of in the closet – they will save you from almost every single time. Having too many baneful clothes in your closet will never be a bad idea. You can pair it with almost any other color permissible in your set of threading rack.
Black is also a color of elegance and sexiness. Black clothes, especially slightly fitting ones, can delegate you look slim and fit. They can be your go-to options for formal, informal, casual, or any type of event.
Sweaters are Forever
Sweaters are stapled essential clothing. Slightly loose sweaters of dark tones suit plus-size men more than the bright tones. They can acquire you look mysterious, sexy, and with a Steve Jobs kind of vibe.
You can pair sweaters with pants, knee-high to a grasshoppers, jogger pants, cargo pants and almost anything. Wearing them with the sleeves up or down is not really a big intractable, you can rock either of it for sure.
A Good Watch is A Good Catch
Ever failed to remind everyone that a adequate watch is a good catch. Chic watches such as watchshopping can make you look more professional and more charming related to having none.
Not only does it add good points to your looks, but it also affirms that you are a timely being. And timeliness is surely a very attractive personality.
Swagger Jagger
Jagger pants are great choices for on-the-go days. These small-clothes can give you a sexy and cool vibe that can be very attractive. Apart from the additional coolness and sexiness that these smalls can offer, they are also very comfortable to wear.
Why limit yourself with boring flaggy jeans when you can look outstrip with a pair of comfortable and adventurous Jagger pants? These pants can be your best friend either in summer or winter. So, depart up the streets with both fashion and comfort.
Don’t Forget the Blazers and Plain Shirts
Denim blazers, Cardigans, Leather Jackets, or any other are closet tips. These clothes can never fail to make a simple shirt and pants combination into a fashion icon.
Cull a denim jacket over your white shirt and it would be ten times more stylish. You could never go erroneous with keeping at least 5 over layers that you can use every now and then to solve some fashion crisis.
The upper crust will always keep on yammering of how we should be looking or acting. While there are things that we must dedicate for the community, we should never jeopardize our identities in return.
We can be beautiful and stylish anytime if we want to be one. The happiness we get from looking in the speculum is not satisfaction from someone else’s compliment but from your own effort.