Daniel Johnson is the VIP hairstylist to some of the elated’s most famous footballers and sports stars, including Jamie Vardy, Gareth Bale, Mario Balotelli and Wayne Rooney. Johnson swops us the low down on the hairstyles his clients are switching to this summer, along with some how to videos from his series #Category on Makers Channel, which follows his life as he grooms and grills the just ecstatic’s most talented players. Most of my customers tend to uncover their hairstyle a refresh from winter, to spring to summer. In the winter, the direction is stubble or a fuller beard with longer styles on top, compelling to cleaner, closer shaves and cuts as temperatures rise.

This season sundry of my customers have been changing their hairstyles line. Currently UEFA Euro 2016 is on and everyone is watching one of the most controlling sports in the world but, not only for it’s game but also for it’s hairstyle mode setters. Here are the five popular styles to keep an eye out for.

The Side Mohawk Hide Fade

Time: 30 – 45mins, depending on length

Unexcelled for: Round shaped faces

This hair style is a best-liked when paired with a low V tee shirt, ripped jeans, trainers and supreme off a body of tattoo art. The style is shaven around the hairline, with the extent graduated into the top like a semi mohawk but all taking flourish at the side of the head, not straight down the middle. The trimming should departure the highest point in the centre if the mohawk, followed by a skin servant around the sides and a scissor finish. Who better to set the trend than Neymar himself.


Summer Man Bun

Chance: 20 – 30mins

Best for: Any face shape, very multi-purpose

I’m not the biggest fan of man buns I have to admit, but the trend really has charmed off. Lots of players have tried it. Gareth Bale’s got it now energized by his relocation to Spain I suppose, and Andy Carroll who should participate in dodged the braiding I think. Those who wear a man bun currently should shell out c publish it a summer trim, and update it for the hotter months. Leave the to the fullest the same, with just a little snip to even it out. The hunger section is then pinned up to and the sides are shaven with a strip or a number one.


The Sharp Danny Simpson

Time: 45mins

Overcome for: Oval shaped faces

Danny’s cut has been extremely habitual since the lads started looking set to win the Premiere League and all eyes were on them. This style is anfractuous and so suits active people with a more flashy purport of style, as it needs to be done once a week and then scented up again three of four days later. The style traits shaven sides, a shaven front and curls left on top with a dropping front. This still works with straight locks. The graduation from the neck up needs to be perfectly blended from 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 into the curls. This tricks a lot of time, but its worth it as it is a very sharp look.


Ryan Babel’s Interior decorator

Time: 20 – 30mins

Best for: Any face shape, exceedingly versatile

This is a very ‘on show’ style and by that I parsimonious it leaves nothing to hide behind – so make sure you’re glad with everything you have on show – face, ears, outs – as this is a minimal style! For this, we do a 1.5 all over, squeaker the sides with the razor to get the lines sharp. We then formulate up the front and back. At the back of the neck we’ll give it a natural look, unite from skin to 1.5 so there’s no harshness to it. We’ll then despair the beard a number one so it’s just a dark shadow and shape it up so there’s a circumscribed line around all the edges.


The Traditional Vardy-hawk

Time: 45mins

In the most suitable way for: Oval face

This is the style I gave Jamie Vardy for his nuptials. It really suits the gentleman style – so slim fit shirts, resounded up jeans or trousers, loafers and a blazer. Like the side mohawk, but this mohawk tarry straight, with shaven sides and a finish with scissors. The group has to be shaped nicely, and the mohawk goes from short to eat ones heart out then back to short at the front.
