With four portion shapes, seven skin tones, 24 hairstyles and 22 eye tinctures, Mattel’s new Fashionistas range has expanded the options for its famous dolls


Barbie’s Fashionistas rank.

Let’s get straight to the point here, because this is huge expos. Barbie has a bum, and thighs that meet in the middle. The doll whose select has become a byword for unrealistic body ideals now comes normal-sized.

Barbie has discharged three new Barbie body shapes: tall, curvy and delicate. Tall is, well, taller than the original, and appears to accept broader shoulders. Petite is basically Cheryl Tweedy-Cole-Fernandez-Versini-whatever-she’s-called. But it’s all around Curvy.

Curvy Barbie is still slim. She has a flat tummy and scanty arms and her eyes seem to be wider than her ankles. But her receptive legs have a bit of meat on them, and she’s got a bit of a soft Gigi Hadid feature going on around the jawline.

Barbie’s Fashionistas

Barbie’s Fashionistas. Photograph: Barbie

After a review on the fashion desk, we have decided that we particularly with the vibe of Everyday Chic Curvy Barbie, who has boldly combined distressed cropped jeans with lace-up black brogues. We’re not feral about her loveheart necklace or plastic handbag, but then we’re not eight years old, so what do we comprehend? Second place goes to So Sporty Barbie, a kind of Rihanna-lite in Balmain-ish lace-work vest dress and open-toe shoe boots. We also moderately like the one in the tight yellow skirt and a T-shirt with level pink stripes: we’re calling her Generic Young Woman on Popular Media Barbie.

The full range now has four body profiles, seven skin tones, 24 hairstyles, 22 eye affects – who knew there even were 22 eye colours? – and feet that can dress trainers as well as high heels. What next: Barbie with sure hair?

The full range of Barbie’s Fashionistas.
The full range of Barbie’s Fashionistas. Photograph: barbie