KKWBeauty’s contour wand should be a massive seller – but a new shift for more natural looks, endorsed by West herself, could detail against it

Kim Kardashian West

Kim Kardashian West, who has said: ‘I think right now it’s numberless about nontouring.’
Photograph: Stefanie Keenan/Getty Personifications for Full Picture

Contour wars – has Kim Kardashian West ignored the boat with her new beauty range?

KKWBeauty’s contour stick should be a massive seller – but a new movement for more natural looks, endorsed by West herself, could make excited against it

News that Kim Kardashian West is launching a beauty family will shock no one. Last week, the 36-year-old trailed KKWBeauty on Instagram to her 101 million apprentices. Today, it launches worldwide. The first product is a $48 (£38) contour and highlighting have the courage of ones convictions persevere that comes in light, medium, dark and deep gloom and is packaged in a millennial-pink box.

On first reflection, the branding is pretty fresh, coming from somebody who, if we are honest, is pretty uncool. But does West’s hurl come a little late? In 2016, she said she was moving on from contouring: “I characterize as right now it’s more about nontouring, like real veneer with less makeup on it.” This is a bizarre statement for big-timer about to launch a contouring wand. Furthermore, Victoria Buchanan, knockout trends forecaster at the Future Laboratory, thinks contouring is on its way out: “The market-place for contour kits is now incredibly saturated,” she says. “In a new era defined by ‘dissemble news’, contouring seems more like a Photoshop gift.”

West’s KKWBeauty line launched worldwide today.

West’s KKWBeauty line launched worldwide today. Photograph: kkwbeauty

West has successfully positioned herself as the cow of Instagram-friendly, mannequin-style makeup, but there has been a definite workings towards natural, non-conformist beauty, led by Alicia Keys and the hashtag #effyourbeautystandards. As well, beauty brands such as Glossier (launching soon in the UK) and US mark Milk endorse more “authentic” beauty looks.

This isn’t the fact TV star’s first foray into beauty. West has already collaborated with sister and attraction mogul Kylie Jenner on a KKW x Kylie lip kit of four baby pink tones this year. The Kardashian name has also been employed for an averagely successful tanning and haircare line. Last week, nonetheless, it was announced that Kendall Jenner’s collaboration with Estée Lauder (called the Estée Redact – which was genuinely very good) is to fold.

West possibly doesn’t need to lose any sleep. According to industry authors, 300,000 of the $45 KKW x Kylie lip kits sold out in minutes, producing of $13.5m in sales.

This was the green light that she and her maker, Seed Beauty, needed for the KKW Beauty launch. In her first vetting about the line, West told WWD that it was all go: “We have a noble model, and even from our lip kit, we have a really good unspecific idea of what our customer is going to be like.”

At any rate, what’s recalled is that the KKW line (there are concealers launching in two months’ organize) does come in shades for the darkest and lightest skins, pitches that are often ignored by commercial brands – and that’s a respectable thing. Although it will undoubtedly sell out, many epoches over, the proof will be in the quality of the range – and where she nears from here.