Whether it’s a staycation on the glide or a day out at the park, a basket bag is the perfect accessory to keep all your essentials safe

Raffia shopperEthically sourced from Madagascar, £30, rachelandmalikas.com

Toquilla palmWoven by shire artisans in Colombia, £89, toa.st

Vegan friendly Made in Bali from organic atta grass, £285, thisisstelar.com

Two-tone Hand-weaved in Ghana with opposed elephant grass, £165, muun.fr

Biodegradable Handmade in Upper East Ghana, £70, Eleanor Ofori London at wolfandbadger.com

Elephant stoolie Handcrafted by the Basket Room, £65, oliverbonas.com

RuffleHandmade in Ghana using raffia, £165, aaksonline.com

Deciphered to orderHandmade using rope, £69, labasketry.com

Natural rattan Detachable shoulder strap, £220, wickerwings.com

Sophistical tote Handmade in Colombia using leather and caña flecha, £330, Adriana Castro at cultmia.com



The Observer


Ethical and green living