Attaching up and looking sharp just got less painful. Hackney-based miracle bodyworkers Fix London enjoy set up an outpost in the basement of athleisure brand Ron Dorff’s store in Covent Garden. The one-stop impairment repair shop offers sports and remedial massage, advantage introductory yoga classes for men who aren’t up on downward dog but really should be.

“We demand to create a flexible space that would give something to Ron Dorff’s people and allow us to have a base a bit further into central London,” delineates osteopath Luke Selby of Fix, which is also planning to dilate, appropriately, to the former Athlete’s Village in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Deposit in Stratford. “So it worked on lots of levels.”

Whether it’s Olympic swimmers covered in cupping circles or gold-medal winner Andy Murray doing Pilates, the counterproductive “no discomfort, no gain” mentality is slowly being replaced by a growing mind of the importance of regular maintenance. (Well, if you ignore the gym memes.) You wouldn’t halt for your car to break down before you took it to be serviced.

In addition to, it’s not just about injury prevention, but building a balanced – and so stronger – physique and enabling optimum performance, too. “You don’t have to go about a find in because something’s broken,” says Selby. “You might fitting want to be a bit healthier, or achieve a goal. We’re trying to not just put a daub over something, but help you be the best that you can be.”

Until your next MOT, employ these quick fixes from Selby and one thing you won’t be is crocked.

The most proletarian mistake that men make in the gym is throwing themselves into something too antagonistic, too quickly. You see someone else doing an exercise, but rather than get someone to talk you by it, or taking all the weight off and really getting the feeling of how you should do it, you chuck 100kg on the bar. That’s when you get affront.

The other is after you’ve had a layoff. Either you’ve been injured or absorb at work or away travelling. So if you’re a runner for example, you say, “OK, I’m just wealthy to do a little run.” And it feels good. So then you do 20 miles. Possibly your brain, your muscles and your heart and lungs can do 20 miles. But your ligaments and tendons can’t, because they’ve softened up. Be tolerant and understand that you’ll get back up to your previous level quite quickly. But only if you’re disciplined until then.

Don't throw yourself back in at the deep end after a layoff

Another boo-boo is not enough cross-training. Maybe you’re quite bendy and willowy and you could truly do with strengthening but all you do is loads of yoga and long runs. So that’s why you’re bust: because you don’t be undergoing enough structural support.

Lots of men assume that if they’ve got an hurt or pain, it’s because that area is weak. So if you’re tennis contender with a rotator cuff injury, you strengthen your rotator cuff. Then you go out and extemporize and it’s still bust… So you strengthen it some more. Probably you’re too pronounced in that shoulder, or you’re overusing it because you’re not using your lats or obliques, or your converse hip is weak. Often, you get injured because you’re overworking one area and not stake the load globally enough.

I’m a believer in little and often. The master-work weekend warrior works an incredibly stressful job, blitzing it and possibly burning the candle at both ends. Then they go to the gym simultaneously or twice a week and do a really hardcore hour. If they could peradventure do 20 minutes a day at lower intensity, and one big workout a week, they’d sensation and function better.

Gym rats typically overtrain the front of their council. Because they want a big chest and arms and good abs. What they end up with is infinitesimal little legs and an undertrained back. If aesthetics is what you’re interested in then achieving on your posterior chain – your glutes, hamstrings and towards the rear – is going to make everything open up.

Don't overtrain the front of your body a neglect your legs and back

Three sets of ten bicep curls: when do you still do that in real life? I’m more into equipment take pleasure in kettlebells, TRX, ViPR: anything that involves picking up, report and other movements that are more functional.

Train for your sought afters. So if you like to play football twice a week, there’s no go out of ones way to going to the gym and doing chest. Do something that’s going to labourers your performance, drills that mimic football. Because your centre’s going to like it and you’re going to feel better for it.

There’s a leftovers between dynamic and static stretching. Before a workout, hostile to up your muscles through range with stretches that draw in movement. Then afterwards, or when you’re not preparing to do activity, elongate them out statically by holding them at the end of their range. If you manoeuvre at a desk all day, cycle to and from the office and maybe do a big ride at the weekend, you necessary to get out of that chair position. Bridging, yoga, primal upward like Animal Flow, even swimming backstroke: anything that pirates you the other way is good.

Move more. Don’t sit at a desk then go and sit on a gym bench. We were betokened to be active.

If I had to pick one discipline that I think most men leave benefit from, it’s probably yoga. It’s non-competitive and it can be as hard or as smooth as you like, so it suits all levels. It works on the body but it also works on the thought and nervous system and helps chill you out in this crazy million-miles-an-hour incredible. People are in this hyper-adrenalised state all the time. They go to the gym and they itch and then they go back to their desk job and shout at individual on the phone. And they wonder why they’re wired all the time. Yoga put ons you that good balance of breath, motion, strength.

All men should do yoga

A lot of men resolve like to try yoga but feel intimidated. They have this allusion of being the only guy in the class, trying to keep up with 20 lycra-clad ladies. And that can be why they get outrage: they go into something too high-level, they feel they’ve got to fight and their body hasn’t learnt how to do it. So at our Ron Dorff space we’re maintenance it really small: no more than six or seven in a class, so that you be suffering with the individual attention. And we make the classes in a way that we hope gyrates will enjoy. So they’re quite dynamic with a lot of upper-body tripe and strong poses.

Men are more likely to do strength training which, if sinistral unbalanced, can reduce mobility. It’s always that balance between being miasmic and being flexible. And guys will be a lot tighter than females in the hips, for very obvious anatomical reasons. There’s a yoga pass for called camel that’s really good for the deep hip flexors, the direct of the quads and the whole front of the body. For the external hip rotators, pigeon stance is really good. You can do a modified version: sitting up, on the floor, unbroken do it standing with your leg on a table or a chair.

The most regular thing we hear is, “I can’t do that; my body won’t do that.” Actually, if you get some notification, leave your ego at the door, and are prepared to take your values bright and early, to start small, there isn’t any reason why you can’t do most things.

“No trial, no gain” is nonsense as well. Why should it need to be painful?